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By Kaitlin Johnstone

Children's Books with Palestinan Representation


Baba, What Does my Name Mean by Rifk Ebeid is the story of a Palestinian refugee who seeks answers about the meaning of her name from her beloved Baba.

Homeland ; My Father Dreams of Palestine by Hannah Moushabeck is based on a true story. It is about a daughter who sits down each night and listens to stories from her father about Palestine. This intergenerational story embraces the power of love and family.

You are the Color by Rifk Ebeid is another story of a Palestinian refugee who experienced explosion from his homeland and used art to help him process.

These Olive Trees by Aya Ghanameh is the story of a little girl who has to flee her home, but makes a promise to the olive trees that she loves so much that one day she will be back to care for them again.

Halal Hotdogs by by Susannah Aziz is the story of Musa and his family. They enjoy a treat after Jummah prayer at the masjid (mosque). Musa’s favorite is halal hot dogs, but unforeseen obstacles are getting in the way!



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