· By Kaitlin Johnstone
Kind Cotton Reading Program - Alta Vista Elementary - May 2019
Recently, the Boys and Girls Club in Newtown was temporarily closed for renovations. It has been so difficult not being able to see the kids every month and we are hoping that everything will be resolved shortly. In the meantime, our partnership with Alta Vista Elementary had been growing stronger! This past Wednesday, we arrived for our last reading trip of the school year. As I raced to the front door, five totes, two tubs of ice cream, and a pile of books in hand, I started to tear up. Not due to the school year being over, because thankfully I’ll continue to see these same children throughout our summer reading program, but because of the overwhelming feeling of gratitude I have each time we step through the door. Someone luckily opens the door for me as I fumble around attempting to do so myself. Then, the best part comes. The wide, enthusiastic eyes of all the children I have the privilege of reading to each month meet mine and I’m even more elated. The children flock to where I am, and we sit to enjoy Rainbow Fish and the Big Blue Whale. The story beautifully discusses misunderstandings between friends and the children share out about a time they felt misinterpreted and how that made them feel. We followed up our reading activity
with our very own tissue paper rainbow fish! Every child even got their own shiny scale to place on their fish. We wrapped up our fun with passing out copies of the book to every child and then we enjoyed an ice cream party! The times we spend with the kids are priceless and all of you make this happen. Thank you for believing in our mission of putting books in the hands of kids. Thank you for pouring your hearts into this be kind movement. We are forever appreciative to all of you!