· By Kaitlin Johnstone
Colorful Kindness Printables - new sizes!
New printables are here! The best part?! They are in color! And new sizes! Along with our normal 5x7 we are including an 8.5x11 version of each printable! We wanted to extend a huge thank you for all the positive feedback on our last printables by creating new ones for you to download, print, frame, and enjoy. Follow the simple instructions below.
Be Kind
Choose Kindness
'In a World'
1. Download

From a desktop computer, use the links above to download your favorite 5x7 printables!
2. Print

Print on card stock. The thicker, the better! Your printable should be printed on a full size 8.5" x 11" piece of paper, and then cut down to 5x7"
3. Cut

Cut on the solid lines provided (5x7). We recommend using a large paper cutter (if possible) for a straight edge!
4. Frame

Pop your printable into a 5x7 frame and you have yourself a cute, easy inspirational message of kindness!