· By Kaitlin Johnstone
4 Favorite Children's Books for Ramadan
Ramadan, in Islam is the ninth month ninth month of the Muslim calendar and the holy month of fasting. It is important for children to learn about various cultures and traditions when building an inclusive school or at home library.
Here are some of our favorite Ramadan picture books:

A Party in Ramadan by Asma Mobin-Uddin and Laura Jacobsen is the story of a young girl who is invited to a friend’s birthday party while fasting. A great story to share about determination as well as empathy and how to best support friends who are fasting.

Lailah’s Lunchbox by Reem Faruqi and Lea Lyon is another important read for all children to understand and support others who are fasting.

Ramadan Around the World by Ndaa Hassan and Azra Momin is a beautiful look into Muslim communities all around the globe.

The Gift of Ramadan by Rabiah York Lumbard is the story of Sophia who wants to join her family in fasting this year. Her grandma tells her that fasting makes your sparkle, which Sophia loves. However, she breaks her fast early and her family helps her learn all the other ways her can participate in Ramadan.