Download your free Fundraising Kit:

Why Kind Cotton fundraising?
Along with raising money for your school or organization, Kind Cotton fundraising spreads a positive message of true kindness AND teaches students the importance of doing GOOD!
With every item sold, a book goes directly to a child through the Kind Cotton Reading Program.
of students served!
of books donated!
How It Works
Choose your Items
You choose a few designs and/or products you think would work well, along with any colors you want to utilize for your school. Sometimes schools want to include a logo on the sleeve too and we can do that!
We Setup Your Store
We create a dedicated page for your fundraiser on our website - this way people can shop from anywhere!
Items are produced on demand and usually received within 7-10 days of ordering.
You Get Paid
We give a portion of sales back to your school or organization, usually in the form of a check, at the end of the fundraiser.

100% Web-Based & Simple!
Our helpful team will create a personalized web portal for your school with your very own URL to access. Each order will be placed online to make things easy for you - no messy order forms or money to collect (unless requested).