· By Kaitlin Johnstone
4 Recommended Reads for World Hijab Day
Tomorrow is World Hijab Day!
In honor of World Hijab Day, here are some of our favorite stories that have hijab representation written by Muslim authors:

Hanas Hundreds of Hijabs by Razeena Omar Gutta and Manal Mirza is the story of Hana who has hundreds of hijabs that are always styled perfectly. She begins to realize that her collection has gotten out of hand and comes up with a way to share them with her community.

The Kindest Red: A Story of Hijab and Friendship by Ibtihaj Muhammad and S. K. Ali is the sequel to The Proudest Blue. This story seeks to spread true kindness through the power of friendship and family.

Under my Hijab by Hena Khan is truly a celebratory text for all Muslim women and girls who wear hijabs and the many ways in which they do. It is also a wonderful introduction to hijabs for all readers.

Mommy’s Khimar by Jamila Thompkins-Bigelow showcases the beauty of a young child’s imagination when it comes to her mother’s khimar and how she spends the day wrapped in it. This book is a joyful celebration of love and family.
It is more important now than every that we read inclusive books. With the rise of islamophobia in our country it is important that we share Muslim stories that are filled with joy. Books are also essential tools in teaching empathy and kindness.
Find out more information behind this movement at worldhijabday.com.