· By Kaitlin Johnstone
Our Favorite Children's Books for Arab-American Heritage

April is Arab-American Heritage month and we wanted to amplify the message of these beautiful picture books written by Arab authors below:

Halal Hotdogs by by Susannah Aziz is the story of Musa and his family. They enjoy a treat after Jummah prayer at the masjid (mosque). Musa’s favorite is halal hot dogs, but unforeseen obstacles are getting in the way!

Homeland ; My Father Dreams of Palestine by Hannah Moushabeck is based on a true story. It is about a daughter who sits down each night and listens to stories from her father about Palestine. This intergenerational story embraces the power of love and family.

We are Palestinian: A Celebration of Culture and Tradition by Reem Kassis is a celebration of Palestinian culture and traditions. This booked is filled with incredible amounts of history and customs.

The Arabic Quilt: An Immigrant story by Aya Khalil is an inspiring story of a family moving to America from Egypt. After a day of teasing and not wanting to embrace her culture, Kanzi writes a poem about an Arabic quilt that her grandmother gifted her.

Eleven Words for Love: A Journey Through Arabic Expressions of Love by Randa Abdel-fattah is the experience of a Palestinian family that fled their homeland with just a single suitcase. The suitcase holds a photo album that begins a discussion about eleven forms of love in Arabic.

Mama in Congress: Rashida Tlaib’s Journey to Washington by Rashida and Adam Tlaib, with Miranda Paul is the story of Rashida Tlaib’s experience on her first day in office. Her children reflect upon the struggle’s Rashida had to face growing up as she shares her passion to fight for equity.

Arab Arab All Year Long! by Cathy Camper is the perfect book to celebrate Arab traditions and holidays all year long.